
Windographer is a software application for analyzing wind resource data, whether measured by met tower, SoDAR, or LiDAR. It imports raw data files quickly, displays data in interactive graphics, provides powerful quality control capabilities, performs comprehensive statistical analyses, and creates high-quality output.

This article briefly describes the capabilities of the software and provides links to more specific topics.

Importing Data

Windographer quickly imports data files of almost any format, and automatically determines the data structure, units, measurement heights, and relationships between data columns. It can handle any number of speed, direction, temperature, and pressure sensors at any heights above ground, any number of gaps or missing values, and any time step between a microsecond and one day. (If the data file is difficult to interpret, you can help by supplying a WIS file.) Windographer can also read from and write to any SQL database that supports stored procedures.

The following articles provide further information:

Visualizing and Analyzing Data

Windographer provides a wide range of graphical and tabular formats to let you to explore and understand your data, including the intricacies of wind shear, turbulence, tower distortion, extreme winds, and more. The following articles provide details:

The following articles provide further information:

Revising Data

The Revise menu gives access to several windows that let you configure the data or change it by applying scaling factors, shifting some or all of the data in time, deleting segments of data, filling gaps, or extrapolating vertically. The following articles provide details:

Quality Control

Windographer's flagging capability allows you to find, flag, and filter out problem data segments. The following windows allow you to apply flags both manually and automatically, inspect and remove flagged segments, and define flags:

Producing Outputs

Windographer exports standard reports comprising numerous graphs and tables in the form of a Word document. In addition, you can right click on any graph in Windographer to copy it to the clipboard, to export the image to a metafile or a PNG file, or to export the data behind the image. You can also right click on any table to export it to a text file or to copy it to the clipboard for easy pasting into a spreadsheet. The following articles provide further information:


Anyone can try Windographer for free for two weeks. After the free trial period you must purchase a license to continue using the software. Several editions span a range of capabilities and prices. The following articles provide information about managing licenses.

Storing Workbooks

When you save a workbook Windographer creates a .windog file, which contains one or more datasets. For each dataset, the file records the measured data, properties like the latitude and longitude, the flags you have applied, and a list of the modifications you have made. To share a workbook with a colleague, you need only send the .windog file; you do not need to send the original raw data file(s).

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: October 27, 2022