Export Data Window

The Export Data window allows you to export data from one or more datasets in several formats, including ones specialized for import into WAsP, WindSim, Meteodyn WT, Openwind, and WindFarmer. To access this window, choose Export Data from the File menu.

Each tab of the Export Data window corresponds to a different export format:

FormatContents of Exported File
Time SeriesTime series data with one time step on each line
CombinedTime series data with one time step on each line
WAsP .tabA table of frequency or occurrences versus speed and direction
WindSimEither a frequency distribution table or a time series data file
Meteodyn WTA time series data file showing speed, direction, and SD of speed
OpenwindA time series data file showing speed, direction, temperature, density, and TI
WindFarmerA table of turbulence intensity versus speed and direction
EPEA text format required by Brazilian federal government agency EPE
MGMA text format required by Turkish State Meteorological Service
SAMA file containing a typical meteorological year in time series format
XML MetadataA file containing an XML description of the properties of the dataset and each data column
NetCDFA NetCDF file containing the selected dataset's data and metadata, including flags
WindographerA .windog file, optionally without Document History and with a different time step.

For each format, you can filter the exported data by flag status by checking the Filter by flag checkbox. For more information please see the article on filtering data.

See also

Exporting graphs

Exporting tables

Written by: Tom Lambert
Contact: windographer.support@ul.com
Last modified: July 9, 2021