Dataset Summary Table

The Dataset Summary table is one of the tables you can create in the Tables window. It contains the following information.

Variable Description
Latitude You enter the latitude on the Dataset tab of the Configure Dataset window.
Longitude You enter the longitude on the Dataset tab of the Configure Dataset window.
Elevation Altitude above sea level. You enter the elevation on the Dataset tab of the Configure Dataset window.
Start date The time of the beginning of the first time step.
End date The time of the end of the last time step.
Duration The time interval between the start date and the end date.
Length of time step The time interval between the start and end of each time step.
Calm threshold The threshold wind speed for inclusion in a wind rose.
MoMM temperature The mean of monthly mean air temperature over the entire dataset.
MoMM pressure The mean of monthly mean air pressure over the entire dataset.
MoMM air density The mean of monthly mean air density over the entire dataset.
Power density at 50m The mean wind power density at 50m above ground.
Wind power class The class into which falls the wind power density at 50m.
Power law exponent A measure of the overall wind shear.
Surface roughness A measure of the overall wind shear.
Roughness class The class into which falls the surface roughness.

The same information appears in the Summary Report.

The Filter by section allows you to create a tabular report for a subset of your data. For more information see the article on filtering data.

Use the Export Table button to export the table to a text file. Windographer will prompt you to supply the file name and location. You can also right click on the table to export it to a text file or to copy it to the clipboard:

See also

Reports tab

Tables window

Mean of monthly means (MoMM)

Configure Dataset window

Filtering data

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: May 15, 2017