Wind Power Class

The wind power class is a number indicating the mean energy content of the wind resource. Wind power classes are based on the mean wind power density at 50 metres above ground, according to the following table:

Wind Power Class Description Power Density at 50m (W/m2)
1 Poor 0-200
2 Marginal 200-300
3 Fair 300-400
4 Good 400-500
5 Excellent 500-600
6 Outstanding 600-800
7 Superb 800-2000

Source: Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States (

Windographer classifies any wind resource with an average wind power density above 2000 W/m2 as class 8.

The wind power class appears on the Dataset Summary table, and the Summary Report.

See also

Calculating the mean wind power density at 50m

Wind Power Class Window

Wind power density

Dataset Summary table

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: February 8, 2010