Onsite vs. Reference Tab

This tab of the Long Term Adjustments window allows you to compare the onsite and reference datasets in several ways. It also provides ways to compare the chosen onsite dataset to all possible reference datasets, to help you choose the most suitable.

Display OptionDescription
Summary TablesShows the reference dataset comparison table, as well as scatter plots and summary statistics for the chosen onsite and reference datasets, and a data coverage chart.
Summary GraphsShows scatter plots of speed and direction data, along with diurnal and seasonal sped profiles, a speed frequency distribution, and a wind frequency rose.
Data CoverageShows a data coverage chart of the period of record of all onsite and long-term datasets, with the chosen two highlighted.
Time SeriesShows a time series graph of speed, direction, and temperture data, both onsite and reference, and both original and processed.
Speed Scatter PlotShows a scatter plot of onsite versus reference speed data.
Speed DistributionShows a graph or table of the frequency distribution of onsite and reference speeds.
Speed Diurnal ProfileShows a graph or table of the mean in every hour of the day of the onsite and reference speed data.
Speed Seasonal ProfileShows a graph or table of the mean by month of the onsite and reference speed data.
Speed vs. DirectionShows a graph or table of the mean vs. direction sector of the onsite and reference speed data.
Direction Scatter PlotShows a scatter plot of onsite versus reference direction data.
Direction FrequencyShows a graph or table of the frequency distribution of onsite and reference directions.
Temperature Scatter PlotShows a scatter plot of onsite versus reference temperature data.
Temperature DistributionShows a graph or table of the frequency distribution of onsite and reference temperatures.
Temperature Diurnal ProfileShows a graph or table of the mean in every hour of the day of the onsite and reference temperature data.
Temperature Seasonal ProfileShows a graph or table of the mean by month of the onsite and reference temperature data.
Speed/Direction DiscrepanciesCompares each long-term dataset with the primary onsite dataset and reports Pearson correlation coefficient, difference in Weibull parameters, and wind frequency rose difference. For the current reference dataset, the Direction Frequency display shows the wind frequency difference by sector.
Discontinuity AnalysisPerforms the MCP discontinuity test to search for a discontinuity in the onsite dataset compared to a blend of the reference datasets.

Tip: When this tab refers to 'original' onsite or reference data, it means the original datasets before resampling. When it refers to 'processed' data, it means the datasets after being resampled to the time step of comparison.

See also

Reference dataset comparison table

Frequency distribution

Time step of comparison

MCP discontinuity test

Long Term Adjustments window

Correlate Speed tab

Correlate Direction tab

Correlate Temperature tab

Synthesize Data tab

Written by: Tom Lambert
Contact: windographer.support@ul.com
Last modified: August 5, 2020