Correlate Direction Tab

This tab of the Long Term Adjustments window allows you to configure the Constant Offset algorithm for MCP of direction data. You can choose to subdivide the analysis into multiple direction sectors if you wish. The reference direction sensor defines the sectors.

Direction measurements may be less accurate at low wind speeds. You can exclude time steps with low wind speeds from the direction correlation by applying a cutoff wind speed. The veer calculation will use only those time steps that contain valid onsite and reference direction values, as well as valid onsite and reference wind speed values above the cutoff.

This tab reports the "Overall R2" of the curve fit, which is the coefficient of determination between the actual onsite wind direction values in the concurrent period and the onsite directions predicted by the correlation algorithm. This value will not necessarily equate to the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient because this prediction does not use linear regression.

See also

Constant Offset algorithm

Long Term Adjustments window

Onsite vs. Reference tab

Correlate Speed tab

Correlate Temperature tab

Synthesize Data tab

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: August 5, 2020