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HOMER Grid 1.10

Navigation: Design > Utility > Tariff

Choose Custom Tariff

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The Choose Custom Tab within HOMER Grid gives the option to create a new tariff. Using the Create Custom tab, you can Create a Simple Tariff or select the Library button to create a complex tariff with time of use rates, monthly demand rates, ratchet rates, fixed rates and taxes.


Custom tariff Library


Choose a Tariff


If you have already built a tariff in the Library, choose "Select from User Library" tab. Enter the name or tariff code in the Full Text Search or use the column filters to sort. Click OK to add the tariff to your model.

Select from user library


Create an Advanced Tariff

To create an advanced tariff, select the  Library button, followed by the Utility Tariff Tab.

Utility Tab 1

The Utility Tariff Tab will give you access to view and edit your tariff library or create a new tariff using one of the options below.

Use Simple Tariff Builder

Used Advanced Tariff Builder

Combine Tariffs

Edit Genability Tariff

Import Tariff


See also

Select from North American Library

Create a Simple Tariff

Utility Tariffs Library


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