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HOMER Grid 1.10

Navigation: Design > Utility > Tariff

Select From North American Library

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HOMER has partnered with Genability, a company that specializes in maintaining a database of tariffs. Follow these 4 steps to select a tariff in US/Canada/Mexico.

Step 1: Click on "Utility" and select "Select from North American LIbrary" Tab

This will display the following panel

select from North American Library

Step 2: Select the Country

HOMER Grid supports tariffs in United States, Mexico, and Canada. You may select your country in the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Enter the postal code of your project

Click on Get Tariffs and you will see a table such as shown below. This table contains a list of tariffs that apply to that postal code.



The meaning of the columns in the tariff table are explained below:





Name of the tariff. This can be found on the monthly electricity bill


This a popular short code assigned to a tariff for purpose of easy reference. For example "E-19" or "A-2"

Tariff Type

Could be "Dist + Gen" or "Dist".

"Dist + Gen" indicates that this tariff has both generation and distribution rates

"Dist" indicates that this tariff has only distribution rates. See Distribution Tariffs for more information


The number of customers that are on this tariff. It is to be noted that sometimes the value for Customers might be 0. This does not mean that there are no customers on this tariff. It only means that Genability could not find data on the popularity of this particular tariff.


Name of the utility company that has created that tariff

Minimum Demand (kW)

This is a minimum demand requirement that a customer has to satisfy to be eligible to use this tariff. If this field is empty then it means that there is no such eligibility requirement.

Maximum Demand (kW)

This is a maximum demand requirement that a customer has to satisfy to be eligible to use this tariff. If this field is empty then it means that there is no such eligibility requirement.

Minimum Consumption(kWh/month)

This is a minimum monthly consumption requirement that a customer has to satisfy to be eligible to use this tariff. If this field is empty then it means that there is no such eligibility requirement.

Maximum Consumption (kWh/month)

This is a maximum monthly consumption requirement that a customer has to satisfy to be eligible to use this tariff. If this field is empty then it means that there is no such eligibility requirement.


A blue tick in this variable means that HOMER Grid supports this tariff, and it can be used to create a model.

If there is no blue tick in this variable, and you need to use that tariff please get in touch with HOMER support at


Step 4: Select Tariff

See Distribution Tariffs for more information on selecting a tariff in a deregulated market. Double click the tariff to load it into your model.

Distribution tariffspng

An information page about the tariff will be displayed. Example shown below for the "TOU-GS-1-D-DA-NEM2" tariff by Southern California Edison Co.


tariff example

See also

How to Verify a Tariff

Generation Rate



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