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HOMER Grid 1.10

Navigation: Library > Utility Tariff Library

Use Simple Tariff Builder

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Building a tariff is useful in cases that you are unable to find a tariff from the North American Library. HOMER Grid lets you quickly build a simple tariff that consists of only one flat energy rate, one demand rate, and one fixed rate. You can create a simple tariff from the Create Custom tab, or visit the Library to use the Simple Tariff Builder.

Simple tariff from custom tab

Use a simple tariff builder

Create a Simple Tariff

A tariff created using the "Use Simple Tariff Builder" option:

Can include one energy charge, one demand charge and one fixed charge

Can allow for net metering

Cannot cover tiered rates, time of use rates and other complex rate structures

To create a simple tariff, follow the below steps.

1. Enter the various charges in the tariff.

create simple tariff

2. Click Ok.


Build a custom, detailed tariff

If you realize that your tariff is a lot more complex and cannot be built with this option, then select Use Advanced Tariff Builder application.

Use Advanced Tariff Builder


You can now go back to your design and add this tariff to your design from the Select from User Library tab.

select from user library



See also

How HOMER Calculates Emissions

Utility Tariffs Library

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