Weibull k

The Weibull k value is the unitless shape factor from the Weibull distribution. This factor reflects the breadth of the distribution, with lower values corresponding to broader distributions. The graph below shows five Weibull distributions, all with an average wind speed of 7 m/s. Lower k values correspond to broad distributions where the wind speed tends to vary widely, whereas higher k values correspond to tighter distributions where the wind speed tends to stay within a narrower range.

A Weibull fit algorithm is a method of finding the Weibull distribution parameters that best fit a set of observations. Windographer provides multiple Weibull fit algorithms, and in the Tools window you can choose your preferred Weibull fit algorithm.

Windographer displays and graphs the best-fit Weibull parameters on the Histogram window and the Wind Speed Distribution window. The Weibull parameters also appear in numerous tables on the Tables window.

See also

Weibull Distribution definition

Weibull A parameter

Weibull fit algorithms

Preferred Weibull fit algorithm

Histogram window

Tables window

Wind Speed Distribution window

Written by: Tom Lambert
Contact: windographer.support@ul.com
Last modified: November 8, 2017