
A gap is a set of one or more missing data points. A data point may be missing because the raw data file did not specify a value for that time step, or because you deleted the value using the Delete Data window.

Note: Windographer can accept any number of gaps in a dataset. Gaps do not prevent Windographer from performing calculations, displaying graphs or tables, or exporting data.

In time series graphs, gaps appear as missing line segments. The example below shows a four-hour gap late in the day on July 14:

In a data coverage chart, gaps appear as blank segments. The example below shows a large gap in the 'Direction 58m' data column in late November and early December, small gaps in all data columns in mid-May, and many smaller gaps in the wind speed data columns:

You can fill gaps using the Reconstruct Single Dataset window and the Reconstruct Across Datasets window.

See also

Reconstruct Single Dataset window

Reconstruct Across Datasets window

Delete Data window

Data coverage chart

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: June 18, 2021