Data Coverage Rate

Windographer uses the following equation to calculate the data coverage rate (DCR) within some time interval:


Nvalid  is the number of valid data points measured within the time interval
Ntotal is the total number of time steps in the entire time interval

The DCR therefore indicates the portion of the time interval covered by valid measurements. It differs from the data recovery rate (DRR), which indicates the measurement success rate. Take for example a 10-minute dataset starting at noon on July 29, 2016 and achieving perfect data recovery for the next several days. The DRR for July 2016 will be 100%, but the DCR for July 2016 will be only 8% because the dataset measured only 2.5 days out of the 31 days in that month.

The DCR affects the resampling process. Whenever calculating the mean value over an interval longer than one time step, Windographer uses the minimum DCR settings that you specify in Tools > Options > Resampling. If you set the minimum DCR for a one-month period to 75%, for example, then in the example above the mean value for July 2016 will be a gap because the DCR for that month is only 8%.

See also

Data recovery rate (DRR)

Valid data points

Minimum data coverage rate settings


Options window

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: June 18, 2021