Wind Turbine Derating Settings

Under certain circumstances a wind turbine may be derated, meaning its maximum power output gets limited to something less than its nameplate capacity. Derating logic may account for several variables including elevation, extreme temperatures, turbulence, shear, and veer. Windographer's derating logic accounts for the first two: elevation and temperature.

In Windographer, the derating settings consist of one or more more curves of maximum power output versus temperature, where each curve corresponds to an elevation. Windographer uses the maximum power curve as an upper limit to the power output of the turbine, meaning it sets the turbine power output in a particular time step to the lesser of that predicted by the power curve and that predicted by the derating curve.

The curves shown in the screenshot below, for example, indicate that:

Tip: Windographer will assume that the turbine produces no power outside the temperature range that you specify in the derating curve.

You can enter the derating settings in the Edit Wind Turbine window, and in the Wind Turbine Output window you can indicate whether you want to apply them.

See also

Wind Turbine Properties window

Edit Wind Turbine window

Wind Turbine Output window

Calculating the Energy Output of a Wind Turbine

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: June 26, 2020