Favorite Flags

When you create a new Windographer dataset by importing a raw data file, Windographer initializes the list of flags in that dataset by copying in the list of favorite flags. So if you want all your datasets to contain the same seven flags, for example, add those seven flags to your list of favorite flags.

When you first use Windographer, it puts five flags in your list of favorite flags. You do not have to modify the list of favorite flags unless you want to do so.

You can modify the list of favorite flags in the Define Favorite Flags window. You can also add to the list of favorite flags by clicking Add to Favorites in the Define Flags window.

See also

Flag definition

Define Favorite Flags window

Import Favorite Flags window

Define Flags window

Sharing Flags

Written by: Tom Lambert
Contact: windographer.support@ul.com
Last modified: July 16, 2012