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HOMER Grid 1.10


The Generator tab in the Simulation Results window contains the following output variables.



Hours of Operation

The total run time of the generator during the year, in hr/yr

Number of Starts

The number of times the generator was started during the year

Operational Life

The number of years the generator will last before it requires replacement

Capacity Factor

The average power output of the generator divided by its total capacity

Fixed Generation Cost

The fixed cost of running the generator, in $/hr

Electrical Production

The total power output of the generator over the year, in kWh/yr

Mean Electrical Output

The average electrical power output of the generator over the hours that it runs, in kW

Minimum Electrical Output

The lowest electrical power output of the generator over the year, in kW

Maximum Electrical Output

The highest electrical power output of the generator over the year, in kW

Average Thermal Output

The average thermal power output of the generator over the hours that it runs

Minimum Thermal Output

The lowest thermal power output of the generator over the year

Maximum Thermal Output

The highest thermal power output of the generator over the year

Fuel Consumption

The total amount of fuel consumed by the generator during the year, in L/yr

Specific Fuel Consumption

The average quantity of fuel consumed per kWh of energy produced by the generator, in L/kWh

Fuel Energy Input

The total amount of energy in the fuel consumed by the generator during the year in kWh/yr

Mean Electrical Efficiency

The average electrical efficiency of the generator during the year, in %

Note: The thermal output variables appear only if the heat recovery ratio is nonzero.

In the bottom half of the page a DMap appears showing the power output of the generator in each hour of the year. Below is an example of storage output in HOMER Grid.


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