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HOMER Grid 1.10

Navigation: Results > Tables Mode > Simulation Results

Electric Vehicle Outputs

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The Electric Vehicle tab in the Simulation Results window will contain an Annual, Daily Profile, and Single Session tab.


EV Sim results window



Sessions per Year

The total number of sessions per year for a specific charging station.

Annual Energy Served (kWh)

The amount of energy provided for a single year

Energy per Session (kWh)

The amount of energy provided per session

Sessions per Day

The number of sessions per day for the charging station

Peak Power (kW)

Peak power of the charging station

Missed Session per Day (avg.)

The average number of sessions missed in a day. (The number of chargers does not meet the number of vehicles that arrive if above zero.)

Utilization Factor (%)

The amount of time an EV is connected to a charger and charging.  If two cars are charging for 1 hour each day the Utilization Factor is (2*365)/(8760) = 8.3%. This is also referred to as Utilization Rate (UR).

Daily Profile

Select a date from the drop-down to view a profile of the Electric Vehicle charging sessions for a specific day.

EV Daily Sessions

Single Session

Select the Single Session tab to further view how the load is being served for one EV session.

EV single session


See also

EV Charging

On-Demand EV Charger

Deferrable EV Charger

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