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HOMER Grid 1.10


The Boiler tab in the Simulation Results window contains the following output variables.



Hours of Operation

The total run time of the boiler during the year, in hr/yr

Total Production

The total amount of thermal energy produced by the boiler per year, in kWh/yr

Mean Output

The average thermal power output of the boiler over the hours that it runs, in kW

Min. Output

The lowest thermal power output of the boiler over the year, in kW

Max. Output

The highest thermal power output of the boiler over the year, in kW

Fuel Consumption

The total amount of fuel consumed by the boiler during the year, in L/yr

Specific Fuel Consumption

The average quantity of fuel consumed per kWh of thermal energy produced by the boiler, in L/kWh

Mean Efficiency

The total annual thermal energy production divided by the total annual fuel energy consumption, in %

In the bottom half of the page a DMap shows the thermal power output of the boiler in each time step of the year.

See also


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