Turbine Group

Windographer allows you to create and modify your turbine groups from the Wind Turbine Library window.

Turbine groups can help you to manage your wind turbine library. For instance, you could create a group that includes all the turbines you are considering for a particular project, or a group for all 2MW turbines. These turbine groups appear in a drop-down box in both the Wind Turbine Output window and the Wind Turbine Output Estimator Tool window. Selecting a turbine group in one of these windows will restrict the turbines listed in the Wind turbine drop-down box to only those turbines included in the selected turbine group. In this way, you can use turbine groups to quickly access small groups of turbines that you most commonly work with. Even if you don't define any of your own turbine groups, the <All turbines> group will always be listed.

See also

Wind Turbine Library window

Wind Turbine Output window

Written by: Linda Sloka
Contact: windographer.support@ul.com
Last modified: August 13, 2012