Air Density Elevation

The air density elevation is the height above sea level at which Windographer calculates the air density. In any dataset that contains wind speed data, Windographer uses air density elevation as part of the calculation of the air density.

The air density elevation is equal to:

You can specify the site elevation and the primary sensors of each type in the Configure Dataset window.


If the site elevation is 550 m and the dataset contains temperature sensors at 5 m and 40 m above the surface, with the 40m sensor defined as the primary temperature sensor, then the air density elevation will be 590 m, which is the site elevation (550 m) plus the height of the primary temperature sensor (40 m).

See also

Air density

Calculating air density

Air Pressure definition

Air Temperature definition


Primary columns

Configure Dataset window

Written by: Tom Lambert
Last modified: June 25, 2021