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HOMER Pro 3.16

Navigation: Design > Components Tab > Grid

Grid Extension

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Important: This option is part of the Advanced Grid module. See Adding Modules for more information on purchasing modules.

The Grid Extension tab allows you to consider grid extension as an alternative to a stand-alone system. HOMER compares the cost of the grid extension with the cost of each stand-alone system configuration that you model. For each stand-alone system configuration, HOMER calculates the break-even grid extension distance, which is the distance from the grid at which the total net-present cost of the grid extension is equal to the total net-present cost of the stand-alone system.



Capital Cost

The initial capital cost of the grid extension, in $/km

O&M Cost

The annual cost of maintaining the grid extension, in $/yr/km

Grid Power Price

The price of electricity from the grid, in $kWh

Note: You can also use the "Simulate systems with and without the grid" option under "Systems to consider" in the Real Time Rates or Scheduled Rates grid modes. This allows you to compare systems with and without the grid connection to a more detailed grid model that can include a more complex grid rate structure and many other parameters. See Real Time Rates or Scheduled Rates for more details.

See also

Simple Rates

Break-even Grid Extension Distance