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HOMER Pro 3.16

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Advanced Grid Module

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The Advanced Grid module is ideal for modeling grid-connected systems with varying grid prices, detailed grid specification, or off-grid systems where grid extension is an option. This module allows you to model grid connected systems with real-time or scheduled pricing, grid extension analysis, and grid outages.

To access Advanced Grid module features, click the Grid button under the Components tab at the top of the page.


The Advanced Grid module adds Real Time Rates, Scheduled Rates, and Grid Extension options for grids. For the Real Time Rates and Scheduled Rates options, this module adds Rate Definition, Demand Rates, and Reliability tabs.

Real Time Rates

The Advanced Grid module adds several options under the Parameters tab for Real Time Rates, such as Sale capacity, Purchase capacity, Interconnection charge, Standby charge, Maximum net grid purchases, and several advanced Control parameters to adjust when the dispatch decides to buy or sell power and charge or discharge batteries based on the grid rate.


Scheduled Rates

The Advanced Grid module adds several options under the Parameters tab for Scheduled Rates, such as Sale capacity, Purchase capacity, Distributed Generation Costs, Systems to Consider, Maximum net grid purchases, and Grid Extension Costs.


Rate Definition, Demand Rates, and Reliability

For the Real Time Rates and Scheduled Rates options, the Rate Definition, Demand Rates, and Reliability tabs are described in their respective sections of the help.

The Advanced Grid module's Reliability tab, allows you to model scheduled and random grid outages.


Grid Extension

The Grid Extension option allows you to perform an extension analysis to compare the costs of a grid extension with the costs of a stand-alone system. You can specify the Capital cost and maintenance (O&M) cost of grid extension in the Grid Extension page.


See also


Grid Interconnection Charge

Grid Standby Charge