Bulk Speed Ratio MCP Algorithm

The 'Bulk Speed Ratio' MCP algorithm is a very simple method of correlating target and reference speed data that assumes a relationship of the form y = mx and calculates the slope as the ratio of the mean wind speeds:


If you choose multiple direction sectors, Windographer will subdivide the concurrent data by direction sector and calculate the slope separately for each sector. It uses the reference direction sensor to determine the direction sector.

Similarly, if you choose multiple yearly divisions, Windographer will also subdivide the concurrent data according to month. If you choose 4 yearly divisions, for example, then January-March data will go in the first subdivision, April-June in the second, July-September in the third, and October-December in the fourth.

If you specify a wind speed cutoff, the curve fit process will ignore any time step in which either the target wind speed or the reference wind speed falls below that cutoff value.

See also

Correlate Speed tab

Long Term Adjustments window

Written by: Tom Lambert
Contact: windographer.support@ul.com
Last modified: August 5, 2020