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HOMER Pro 3.16

Navigation: Library > Components Library

Hydroelectric Library

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You can select a default Hydroelectric Component from the drop-down menu on the Hydroelectric Library page under the Components Library. Click Hydroelectric to see the list of Hydroelectric types. You can view and specify the properties of Hydro Components in the Hydroelectric Library. You can create a new Hydro Component by copying an existing one. After copying a hydro component, change the properties as required and give the new Hydroelectric turbine a unique name to distinguish it from the others. HOMER adds this new Hydro Component to your library when you click OK. The new Hydro component then appears in the list of available Hydro components under Design. See the Library section of the help for instructions.





A unique name used to identify this type of Hydro component.


A short, distinctive name to identify this hydro component on the schematic and in the results. There is no specific limit on the abbreviation length, but long abbreviated names do not fit well on the schematic or results.


An optional field used to specify the manufacturer of the hydro component.


An optional field to hold the website of the manufacturer.


The actual web address of the link defined in the Website input.


An optional field used to specify manufacturer contact information, prices, or anything noteworthy.

Electric bus

The type of power produced by the hydro installation. Check the AC radio button to use alternating current (AC). The default is to use the direct current (DC) bus.

Other Properties




The maximum power input the hydro component can convert to heat.


The type of power produced by the hydro installation. Check the AC radio button to use alternating current (AC). The default is to use the direct current (DC) bus.

Available head

The default available head for this hydro component. When the component is added to a model, this value can be changed to match the specific installation.

Capital Cost

The initial cost incurred if the hydro component is included in the system.

Consider Systems without Turbine

If this box is checked, HOMER simulates systems with and without the hydro component as optimization cases. Otherwise all simulations include the hydro component.

Design flow rate

The flow rate for which this hydro turbine was designed. It is often the flow rate at which the turbine operates at maximum efficiency.


The efficiency with which the hydro system converts the energy in the water to electricity.


The duration, in years, before the hydro component is replaced. The replacement cost is incurred at that time.

Maximum flow ratio

The maximum flow rate of the hydro turbine, as a percentage of its design flow rate. The turbine generates power at the specified efficiency up to this flow. Additional flow above this level does not increase turbine power output.

Maximum capacity

This value is calculated from the other inputs.

Minimum flow ratio

The minimum flow rate of the hydro turbine, as a percentage of its design flow rate. Below this rate, the turbine produces no power.

Nominal capacity

This value is calculated from the other inputs.

O & M Cost

The yearly cost of maintenance on the component, in currency units (derived from your settings in Windows) per year.

Pipe head loss

Pipe friction losses expressed as a percentage of the available head.

Replacement cost

The cost that is incurred after the lifetime has elapsed.

Component requires one minute time steps

If you check this box, users of this component have to set the simulation time step to one minute in order to run a calculation. Check this option if the component requires one-minute time steps to model the behavior accurately.

See also


Component Library