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HOMER Grid 1.10

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Simulation Settings

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These settings apply to every simulation in your model.




Minutes per time step

HOMER uses the simulation time step to simulate the operation of each system configuration. You can set this value by selecting one of the values between one hour and one minute from the "Minutes per time step:" drop-down menu. The simulation time step does not have to match the time step of any time series load or resource data you may have imported. See the simulation time step section of the help for details.

Year to model

Set this to the year that you want to simulate. Data that can have different weekday/weekend behavior, such as loads, schedules, and tariffs, are shifted to match the modeled year. When multi-year is enabled, this is the first year and successive years are incremented and shifted to appropriately.

Use two demand limits each month (slower)

If checked, HOMER Grid optimizes 2 demand limits per month instead of 1 demand limit, which is the default. To learn more about demand limits, read this article.

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