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HOMER Pro 3.16

Navigation: Design > Loads Tab > Load Profile

Efficiency (Advanced)

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Important: This feature is part of the Advanced Load module. See Adding Modules for more information on purchasing modules.

The Efficiency (Advanced) options are only on the Electric Load page. You use these inputs to analyze the cost-effectiveness of efficiency measures that reduce the electrical demand. For example, you might want to consider using fluorescent lights, which are more efficient but also more expensive than incandescent lights. Using the Efficiency (Advanced) options, you can specify the cost of switching to fluorescent lights and the effect this would have on the size of the primary electric load. HOMER then simulates each system both with and without the efficiency measures to see if their savings offset their cost.

The three variables used to define efficiency measures are defined below.



Efficiency multiplier

The factor by which this primary electric load is multiplied if the efficiency package is implemented (Enter 0.80 for a 20% reduction in load.)

Capital cost ($)

The amount of money required to implement the efficiency package

Lifetime (yr)

The number of years over which the capital cost is annualized

For example, switching to LED lights reduces the demand of a particular system by 80%, but costs an additional $8000. The LEDs are expected to last 20 years before they need to be replaced. In this case, the efficiency multiplier is .20, the capital cost is $8000, and the lifetime is 20 years.

See also

Electric Load